Figure 2.
The whole human microRNAome plays a specialized role in oncogenesis. Among 1,223 miRNAs of the whole human miRNAome, Diana-microT 3.0 identified the set of reliable targets from 273 miRNAs. Among them, KeyMolnet extracted molecular networks from 232 miRNAs. The generated network was compared side by side with human canonical networks of the KeyMolnet library, composed of 430 pathways, 885 diseases, and 208 pathological events to identify the canonical network showing the most statistically significant contribution to the extracted network. After top three pathways, diseases, and pathological events were individually totalized, the cumulated numbers of top 10 of (a) pathway, (b) disease, and (c) pathological event categories are expressed as a bar graph. The figure is cited from our study [17].