Table 1.
Demographics and Standardized Neuropsychological Tests for the 4 Groups [ mean (standard deviation)]
Index | NC (n=197) | aMCI-sd (n=116) | aMCI-md (n=195) | AD (n=228) | F(P) |
Age |
68.84 (7.70) |
70.04 (9.13) |
70.27 (8.75) |
70.19 (9.17) |
1.164 (0.323) |
Education |
9.42 (5.17) |
9.66 (4.85) |
9.14 (5.19) |
9.21 (4.98) |
0.313 (0.816) |
Sex1 |
110:89 |
53:63 |
96:100 |
129:102 |
1.813 (0.143) |
27.05 (2.11) |
25.59 (2.61) ** |
25.17 (2.72) $$ |
19.09 (2.58)## |
414.451 (<0.001) |
AVLT-delayed recall(M=12) |
5.30 (2.01) |
1.19 (1.31) ††** |
1.01 (1.27) |
0.27 (0.83)## |
176.26 7(<0.001) |
BNT(M=30) |
23.56 (4.55) |
23.56(4.75) †† |
21.08 (3.51) $$ |
18.01 (5.47)## |
21.787 (<0.001) |
41.40 (11.98) |
37.40 (10.57) †† |
29.37 (13.48) $$ |
20.16 (11.89)## |
33.441 (<0.001) |
CFT-Copy(M=36) |
33.22 (3.42) |
32.86 (3.13) † |
29.73 (7.54) $ |
24.74 (9.31)## |
22.917(<0.001) |
CFT-delayed recall(M=36) |
15.47 (5.55) |
11.69 (7.39) † |
9.07 (5.58) $$ |
4.15 (3.34) ## |
38.909(<0.001) |
CWT-CR(M=50) |
45.73 (3.94) |
42.96 (9.61) † |
38.70 (10.43) $$ |
29.50 (13.68)## |
33.370(<0.001) |
TMT-partA(s) |
55.08 (20.78) |
64.43 (25.25) †† |
84.66 (36.57) $$ |
118.30 (48.31) ## |
36.214(<0.001) |
TMT-part B(s) |
155.89 (63.99) |
172.08 (68.55)†† |
250.37(107.90)$$ |
331.28(131.65)## |
32.921(<0.001) |
CESD | 11.43(2.24) | 13.67(3.12) | 10.30(2.79) | 10.64(3.06) | 1.329(0.266) |
Comparison between NC group and aMCI-sd group is marked behind ‘aMCI-sd group’; ** P<0.01.
Comparison between aMCI-sd group and aMCI-md group is marked behind ‘aMCI-sd group’; † P<0.05; †† P<0.01.
Comparison between aMCI-md group and AD group is marked behind ‘aMCI-md group’; $ P<0.05; $$ P<0.01.
Comparison between NC group and AD group is marked behind ‘AD group’. # P<0.05; ## P<0.01.
AVLT: Auditory Verbal Learning Test; BNT: Boston Naming Test; SDMT: Symbol Digit Modalities Test; CFT: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; CWT-CR: Card C right of Stroop Color-Word Test; TMT: Trail Making Test; CESD: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression.
1 chi-square test, M=maximum.