I rely on God to keep me in good health.
I talk openly about my faith with others.
I often read religious books, magazines, or pamphlets.
I often watch or listen to religious programs on TV or radio.
My spiritual beliefs are the foundation of my whole approach to life.
I am often aware of the presence of God in my life.
I have a personal relationship with God.
When I am ill, I pray for healing.
I pray often.
Present Time Orientation
My day-to-day life is too busy to think about the future.
if I want something now, I always buy it no matter what the price.
There’s no sense in thinking about the future before it gets here.
What happens to me in the future is out of my control.
As long as I feel good now, I don’t worry about having health problems later in life.
Future Time Orientation
I have a plan for what I want to do in the next 5 years of my life.
I often save money or use layaway to buy things I can’t afford right now.
The choices I have made in life clearly show that I think about the future.
When I plan a party or get-together, I always start weeks ahead of time
I often think about how my actions today will affect my health when I am older.