Figure 2.
(a) Mean effect-sizes across the Mediterranean basin and for different biogeographic envelopes. Each square, whose size is proportional to the number of effect-sizes, indicates mean values and each bar the 95% confidence interval around the mean. Bars not intercepting the Y-axis indicate a significant correlation between GDpop and longitude. When the mean is on the positive side of the X-axis, this correlation is positive, indicating that GDpop increases from west to east. Bars with arrows indicate that the 95% confidence interval falls outside the limits of the figure. Diamonds highlight mean values for plants and animals. All Q-tests are highly significant (P < 0.0001), indicating that significant differences between effect-sizes remain within each biogeographic category. Nota bene: northern/southern and continent/island effect-sizes do not add up to the total number of effect-sizes in the Mediterranean basin because raw data studies may include species with populations present north and south of the Mediterranean and both on continents and on islands. (b) Mean effect-sizes across the Mediterranean basin for five plant and eight animal classes, and mean values for the plant and animal kingdoms. Classes are arranged in decreasing effect-size order. Square and error bars should be interpreted as indicated for (a).