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. 2012 Sep 19;2(10):2625–2635. doi: 10.1002/ece3.333

Table 1.

Daily fluctuation of the seawater carbonate speciation in the two experimental CO2 levels (360 and 700 ppm). Values of total carbon (TC), bicarbonate (HCO3), and carbonate (CO32−) were calculated using total alkalinity (TA), pH, salinity, and temperature of the seawater (Pelletier et al. 1997). Values are mean ± SD (n = 6) and represent pooled data from the two replicate mesocosm units. Units are μmol/Kg

360 ppm 700 ppm

Daytime (h) TA TC HCO3 CO32− TA TC HCO3 CO32−
04:00 2722 ± 17 2340 ± 16 2040 ± 15 285 ± 3 2760 ± 18 2510 ± 17 2288 ± 16 198 ± 2
06:00 2629 ± 34 2278 ± 40 2015 ± 36 255 ± 3 2765 ± 14 2529 ± 13 2314 ± 12 190 ± 2
08:00 2656 ± 21 2295 ± 13 2032 ± 19 259 ± 2 2738 ± 24 2488 ± 20 2266 ± 20 198 ± 7
10:00 2661 ± 19 2260 ± 39 1926 ± 54 305 ± 17 2697 ± 10 2398 ± 9 2153 ± 17 227 ± 10
12:00 2653 ± 9 2121 ± 24 1730 ± 36 376 ± 16 2697 ± 15 2300 ± 22 2001 ± 26 286 ± 7
14:00 2622 ± 14 2035 ± 12 1613 ± 20 411 ± 6 2660 ± 16 2277 ± 24 1986 ± 35 277 ± 15
16:00 2627 ± 15 2028 ± 29 1582 ± 45 428 ± 14 2680 ± 14 2307 ± 13 2020 ± 13 273 ± 5
19:30 2702 ± 25 2145 ± 20 1695 ± 57 400 ± 18 2743 ± 29 2409 ± 26 2141 ± 24 251 ± 6
00:00 2743 ± 15 2238 ± 4 1878 ± 17 360 ± 5 2774 ± 42 2456 ± 39 2192 ± 35 244 ± 4