Figure 2.
Panel A shows the mean standard length (±1 SE) of Rastrineobola argentea caught in 5-mm lampara nets in 2010. Panel B shows the length at 50% maturity (±2 SE) of female R. argentea in 2010. The colours represent unperturbed lakes (‘Un’,white), lakes with Nile perch only (‘NP’, grey), and lakes with Nile perch and commercial fishing (‘NP + F’, black). The lakes are: Omuno (white square), Gigati (white diamond), Nawampasa (grey circle), Bisina (grey square), Meito (grey triangle), Nabugabo (grey cross), Kyoga (black circle), and Victoria (black square). For standard length, post-hoc Tukey’s tests showed that all group means were significantly different from one another (P < 0.001), indicated by ***. For length at maturity, post-hoc pair-wise comparisons were not conducted, since each estimate of L50 is a population-level estimate derived from parameters from the logistic regression. However, we have shown each mean ± 2 SE, which approximate 95% confidence intervals. Thus, pairs of lakes with nonoverlapping error bars can be interpreted as being significantly different at the 0.05 significance level.