Size-adjusted means (±1 SE) for (A) fecundity, (B) egg volume, (C) clutch volume, and (D) ovary weight of mature (Stage V and VI) female Rastrineobola argentea. These are adjusted means from an ancova with log(somatic body weight) as a covariate. The colours represent unperturbed lakes (‘Un’, white), lakes with Nile perch only (‘NP’, grey), and lakes with Nile perch and commercial fishing (‘NP + F’, black). The lakes are: Kayanja (white circle), Omuno (white square), Gigati (white diamond), Nawampasa (grey circle), Bisina (grey square), Nakuwa (grey diamond), Meito (grey triangle), Nabugabo (grey cross), Kyoga (black circle), and Victoria (black square). The * indicate significant (P < 0.05) differences between pairs of perturbation categories based on post-hoc Tukey’s tests.