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. 2012 Oct 9;2(1):71–79. doi: 10.1159/000342620

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of patients with IAs and mutations in the PKD1 or PKD2 gene

Case No. Sex Age at diagnosis of IA years Symptoms, HH scale Location of IAs IAs, n Size of IA, mm Therapy Diagnosis of IA before ESRF Family history of IAs
1 M 49 sy right and left middle cerebral artery 2 8 × 8 × 8, 10 × 10 × 10 clip no no

2 F 32 asy left posterior inferior cerebellar artery 1 4.8 × 3.4 clip yes no; relative of case 22

3 M 46 asy left internal carotid artery multiple n.a. no yes no

4 M 36 asy 2 × anterior communicating artery 2 n.a. coil 2 × yes no

5 M 50 asy right middle cerebral artery 1 4 × 4 clip yes relative of cases 6 and 29

6 M 46 asy right middle cerebral artery 1 n.a. no yes relative of cases 5 and 29

7 M 43 asy right middle cerebral artery 1 5.1 × 4.7 × 4.6 clip yes yes; relative of cases 12 and 20

8 F 71 asy right middle cerebral artery 1 n.a. no no no

9 F 43 asy right middle cerebral artery, callosomarginal artery, ophthalmic artery, left middle cerebral artery 4 ophthalmic left 7.5 × 5; right middle cerebral artery 4 × 6 clip media right no no

10 F 47 asy middle cerebral artery, anterior communicating artery 2 n.a. clip yes no
11 F 50 asy internal carotid artery 1 2 × 3 × 3 no treatment yes no

12 M 41 asy basilar artery 1 9.5 × 5.5 × 4 coil yes yes; relative of cases 7 and 20

13 F 34 asy left middle cerebral artery, left pericallosal artery, left ophthalmic artery 3 n.a. clip 1 ×, coil 1 ×, 1 not treated no no

14 M 47 headache right middle cerebral artery and ophthalmic artery 2 n.a. clip 1 × yes no

15 F 49 HH1 right middle cerebral artery 1 4.2 × 4.5 clip yes mother with cerebral aneurysm

16 F 55 HH4 right pericallosal artery 1 3.7 × 3 × 4.5 coil yes no

17 F 45 HH4 right middle cerebral artery 1 6 × 6 coil yes no

18 F 38 SAB n.a. 1 n.a. clip yes no

19 F 31 SAB anterior cerebral artery, anterior communicating artery 2 n.a. coil 1 ×, 1 not treated yes no

20 M 43 SAB, HH1 left posterior communicating artery 1 2.9 × 2.2 × 2.8 clip yes yes; relative of cases 7 and 12

21 M 37 SAB, HH1 right middle cerebral artery 1 2.5 i.D. clip yes no

22 M 29 SAB, HH1 anterior communicating artery 1 3 i.D clip yes later*; relative of case 2

23 F 49 SAB, HH1, Fisher 2 ophthalmic artery 3 × 3 1.5 i.D, 2.2 i.D., 2.5 i.D. coil, clip 2 × yes no

24 F 29/50 SAB/SAB,HH2–3 anterior communicating artery, right internal carotid artery 2 2 i.D. clip 2 × in 21 years yes no

25 F 33 SDB, HH2 left vertebral artery 1 n.a. coil yes no

26 M 42 sy anterior communicating artery 1 n.a. clip yes no

27 F 50 sy left middle cerebral artery 1 n.a. clip yes no

28 M 42 sy anterior communicating artery 1 n.a. clip yes relative of cases 5 and 6

29 F 27 sy n.a. 1 9.5 × 7.9 × 10.6 n.a. yes father with cerebral hemorrhage

30 F 57 sy 2× right middle cerebral artery and anterior communicating artery 3 n.a. middle right cerebral artery clip, others not treated no no

31 F 2 sy n.a. 1 n.a. clip yes no

32 F 48 sy 2× left middle cerebral artery, left pericallosal artery and left callosomarginal artery 4 n.a. 3 × coil 1 × clip no no

Cases 5, 6, and 29 are members of the same family, cases 2 and 22 are from another family, and cases 7, 12, and 20 from a 3rd family. HH = Cerebral dysfunction according to the Hunt and Hess grading scale;

ESRD = end-stage renal disease;

sy = symptomatic;

asy = asymptomatic;

SAB = subarachnoid hemorrhage;

n.a. = data not available;

i.D. = in diameter.

* The family history of IAs for this case was clarified by our study and was not known to the patient.