Figure 2. Fun30 promotes long-range 5′-3′ DNA end resection and is recruited to DSBs.
a, Southern blot analysis of StyI (S)/BstXI (B)-digested genomic DNA after alkaline gel electrophoresis. r1 to r7 fragments are partially ssDNA fragments. b, As in a, except that exo1Δ mutants were MATalpha strains, showing a longer uncut fragment (1.9 kb). c, Southern blot analysis of StyI-digested genomic DNA after alkaline gel electrophoresis to monitor ssDNA formation (r1-r7 fragments) at an I-SceI DSB generated at the HIS3 locus. d, Fun30-Myc levels at MAT before and after HO induction measured by ChIP coupled to qPCR. Error bars define the s.e.m. of three independent experiments. e, 10-fold serial dilutions of yeast cultures.