Figure 7. Schematics of connectivity among select VSP green-yellow and blue module genes in both regions.
(A) Network connections are depicted between gene markers of oligodendrocytes in the VSP green-yellow module. Thicker/darker lines between nodes denote stronger connections. Node and label size represent overall connectivity among this group of genes (larger = more connected), nodes are colored by module assignment, and each gene symbol is appended (after underscore) by the rank of its kME value in the module, e.g. PLP1 has the 7th highest kME in the green-yellow module, MBP has the 22nd highest kME, etc. Connections <0.1 are not shown. Area X connectivity between the same genes is shown in (B), where node and label size indicate connectivity among this group of genes in area X, and nodes are colored by area X module assignment. Visual inspection suggests that VSP connectivity patterns were not well-preserved in area X. Note that 6/8 genes were not in any area X module and were thus assigned the color “grey”. (C–D) Analogous plots depicting VSP and area X connections between genes associated with Parkinson's Disease in the VSP blue module: VSP (C), area X (D).