Table 1.
Modality | Resolution | Penetration | Contrast mechanism |
Pullback rate | Flushing |
IVUS | 100–200 μm | Whole artery | Acoustic scattering | 0.5 mm/s | Not required |
OCT/OFDI | 20 μm | 1–2 mm | Optical scattering | OCT: 1 mm/s OFDI: 20–40 mm/s |
Required |
NIRF | 250–1000 μm | Whole artery | Fluorescence | 1 mm/s | Not required |
MSOT | 100–200 μm | Whole artery | Optical absorption spectrum |
0.1 mm/min | May not be required in specific wavelength bands (e.g., the near- infrared window) |
The values in the table are typical for in vivo applications. For MSOT, the values are estimates based on state-of-the-art technology. The pullback rate was calculated for four wavelengths, a pulse repetition rate of 10 Hz, 300 A-scans per slice and a step size of 200 μm.
IVUS: Intravascular ultrasound; MSOT: Multispectral optoacoustic tomography; NIRF: Near-infrared fluorescence; OCT: Optical coherence tomography; OFDI: Optical frequency domain imaging.