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. 2012 Nov 8;7(11):e48932. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048932

Table 1. Patients and tumor characteristics in the primary and salvage LT groups.

Types of LT Types of donor in salvage LT
Primary LT Salvage LT P DDLT LDLT P
N = 180 N = 39 Value N = 30 N = 9 Value
Gender M/F 162/18 36/3 0.89 28/2 8/1 0.56
Recipient Age 47(26–64) 44(32–65) 0.46 45(32–64) 40(32–57) 0.16
Etiology 0.66 0.56
HBV 172 36 28 8
Other 8 3 2 1
Child-Pugh score (A vs. B and C) 36/142 20/19 0.000 16/14 4/5 0.93
MELD score 14.2±5.0 11.0±7.4 0.003 11.5±8.1 9.1±3.6 0.40
Pretransplant treatment 0.97 0.93
TACE 60 10 7 3
RFA 15 3 2 1
TACE+RFA 30 5 3 2
All treatments 105(58.33%) 18(46.15%) 0.17 12 6 0.31
Transplant type 0.91
LDLT 40 9
DDLT 140 30
Serum AFP level, ng/mL 0.02 0.42
≤400 92 28 23 5
>400 88 11 7 4
Tumor size (cm) 0.42 0.87
≤5 122 29 23 6
>5 58 10 7 3
Tumor number 0.68 0.23
Single 108 22 19 3
Multiple (2–3) 72 17 11 6
Microscopic vascular invasion 0.01 0.93
Yes 54 20 16 4
No 126 19 14 5
Differentiation 0.08 0.44
Well (n) 42 10 9 1
Moderate (n) 120 20 14 6
Poor (n) 18 9 7 2
Milan criteria 0.08 0.93
Within criteria 122 20 16 4
Beyond criteria 58 19 14 5
Satellitosis 50 (27.8%) 9 (23%) 0.55 6 (20%) 3 (33%) 0.70
Follow-up, median with range, (mo) 33 (1–133) 30 (1–82) 34 (1–82) 30 (1–80)

Abbreviation: M/F, male/female; HBV, hepatitis B virus; AFP, α fetoprotein; TACE, transarterial chemoembolization; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; LT, liver transplantation; LDLT, living donor liver transplantation; DDLT, deceased donor liver transplantation.