Figure 2. Flow velocity and decay time.
(a) Maximum flow velocity as a function of coordinate x along the capillary axis in the regime of cooling (Square T0=25 °C, circle T0=15 °C, triangle T0=5 °C, ΔT=−5 °C and ξ=−30 °C min−1). (b), The same for heating (Square T0=20 °C, circle T0=10 °C, triangle T0=0 °C, ΔT=+5 °C and ξ=+30 °C min−1); capillary of thickness d=50 μm filled with E7. (c) Relaxation time tr as the function of cell thickness and the initial temperature T0 of the homeotropic E7 cell (Square d=20 μm, circle d=50 μm, up-pointing triangle d=100 μm, down-pointing triangle d=200 μm); T=−5 °C; ξ=−30 °C min−1.