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. 2012 Sep 25;5(3):260–276.

Table 4.

FD items whose best correlations are with items in other MedCts: esophageal (esoph.) or functional biliary (funct. bil.) disorders. For each item, the FD item they are best correlated with is also mentioned

The item to be correlated with CrA
The correlation of ”I feel pain (aching, burning etc.) in the mid upper abdomen, not relieved by passing stool or gas” with:
(esoph.) I have pains in the epigastrium (just below the breastbone) minutes or hours after eating 0.76
(funct. bil.) I have mid- or right-upper abdominal pain lasting for at least 30 minutes, building up to a steady level and not relieved by passing stool or gas, by position change or by ulcer medication (Maalox, Omeprazole, Ranitidine etc.) 0.72
(esoph.) If I eat too much, after a few minutes or hours I have heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest rising up behind the breastbone) 0.69
(FD) ”I have a stomach ache (pain in the mid upper abdomen) after eating” 0.68
The correlation of ”I have a stomach ache (pain in the mid upper abdomen) after eating” with:
(esoph.) I have pains in the epigastrium (just below the breastbone) minutes or hours after eating 0.76
(esoph.) A few minutes or hours after eating too much, I feel pain just below the breastbone 0.72
(esoph.) If I eat too much, after a few minutes or hours I have heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest rising up behind the breastbone) 0.69
(esoph.) I have heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest rising up behind the breastbone) within a few minutes or hours after a meal 0.69
(FD) ”I feel pain (aching, burning etc.) in the mid upper abdomen, not relieved by passing stool or gas” 0.68
The correlation of ”I wake up during night with stomach aches (mid upper abdominal pains)” with:
(esoph.) I wake up at night with heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest rising up behind the breastbone) 0.73
(esoph.) If I eat too much in the evening, I wake up at night with heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest rising up behind the breastbone) 0.63
(funct. bil.) I have mid- or right-upper abdominal pain lasting for at least 30 minutes, building up to a steady level and not relieved by passing stool or gas, by position change or by ulcer medication (Maalox, Omeprazole, Ranitidine etc.) 0.61
(FD) ”I feel pain (aching, burning etc.) in the mid upper abdomen, not relieved by passing stool or gas” 0.61
The correlation of ”I feel quickly full while eating, so that I cannot finish a normal-sized meal” with:
(funct. bil.) After fat or fried food meals, I have nausea and/ or vomiting 0.27
(FD) ”When I am hungry, my stomach hurts (in the mid upper abdomen)” 0.25 0.25