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. 2012 Jun 6;4(8):705–718. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201101105

Figure 3. Paternal p53 genotype alters embryonic gene expression and Igf2+m/−p female specific lethality.

Figure 3

  1. Schema of embryonic RNA expression analysis. Three parental genotype pairs were crossed to yield a number of female embryos of specific genotype as illustrated.
  2. Comparison of gene expression in E9.5 female embryos derived from Igf2+m/−p or WT fathers (WT and Igf2+m/−p) with the expression in embryos from Igf2+m/−p, p53+/− fathers (WT, Igf2+m/−p, p53+/− and Igf2+m/−p, p53+/−). 1461 genes were significantly different in expression by SAM analysis and varied more than twofold, with most differentially expressed genes displayed in the heatmap.
  3. Comparison of gene expression in Igf2+m/−p female embryos derived from WT fathers with those Igf2+m/−p and Igf2+m/−p, p53+/−embryos from Igf2+m/−p, p53+/− fathers. ‘Rescue’ signature of 23 genes shown in the heatmap.
  4. H & E-stained lungs from E19.5 Igf2+m/−p female embryos (low power above, bar 1 mm, high power 100 µm) were filled with blood in both bronchioles (br) alveolar air-spaces (alv) when compared to WT littermates. Confocal images showed there were no gross differences in lung structure labelled with E-cadherin, but fibronectin was predominantly present in blood within the airspaces (white arrow), and subjectively increased in small airway and alveolar regions (white arrow head). Bar = 100 µm.