Rotarod test. The time spent on the accelerating rotarod was measured (mean ± s.e.m., n = 6–11 individuals per group, 3 repetitions per individual; p values: (p35) p = 0.0685, (p55) p = 0.0019, (p75) p = 6.35E-05). p Values were calculated by Student's t-test compared to age-matched controls.
Foot-print analysis. Footprints of p75 mMGS-9APcp2 and control mice are shown (black, front paws; blue, hind paws). The images are representative of tests performed with five individuals per condition.
Beam Walking test. The time spent running on a balance beam and the number of hindpaw slips during this activity was measured (mean ± s.e.m., n = 8–12 individuals per group, 3 repetitions per individual; p values: (p35 slips) p = 0.038, (p55 slips) p = 0.00004, (p75 slips) p = 7.7E-09, (p35 time) p = 0.045, (p55 time) p = 8.7E-08, (p75 time) p = 4.6E-05). p Values were calculated by Student's t-test compared to age-matched controls. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001.