Figure 4. MITF-A binds the Tgfa promoter.
- Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) using a specific mouse 32P-labelled TGF-α E probe and nuclear protein extracts from MITF-A transfected CTAL cells. Complexes were surpershifted with an anti-MITF antibody.
- EMSA using a specific mouse 32P-labelled TGF-α E probe and nuclear extracts from mouse kidneys.
- Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay in cells transfected with the empty or the FLAG-MITF-A expression vector.
- Luciferase assay of CTAL cells transfected with the wild type or the E box-mutated TGF-α reporter vector together with the empty or MITF-A expression vector. Data are means ± SEM; n = 4–6.