Figure 3.
Forest plot of LVEF data in parallel studies. Each publication is represented by a square, the horizontal position of which represents the effect size, and error bars, which represent the 95% CI. Squares lying to the right of the null effect vertical line (mean difference of 0) are those that found a greater increase in LVEF with ASV compared with the control arm. The size of each square is proportional the weight of each study in the pooled analysis, also listed as a percentage. The diamond represents the meta-analysis: the apex is the weighted mean difference (0.40), and the width is the 95% CI (0.08-0.71). The width of the diamond does not cross the null effect vertical line, so the difference is statistically significant (P = .01). LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction. See Figure 1 legend for expansion of other abbreviation.