Figure 5. Myogenic tone after PKC inhibition.
A) Pressure-diameter relationship and % myogenic tone in NT and S-P467L before and after pre-incubation of the artery with 3 μmol/L chelerythrine chloride (CC) (NT, n=7; S-P467L, n=6). B) Summary of % myogenic tone data at P75 mmHg before and after pre-incubation with 10 nmol/L Calphostin C (NT, n=6; S-P467L, n=5). C) Summary of % myogenic tone data at P75 mmHg before and after pre-incubation with 1μmol/L GO6976 (NT, n=4; S-P467L, n=4). D) Pressure-diameter relationship and % myogenic tone in NT and S-P467L before and after pre-incubation of the artery with 1 μmol/L U73122 (NT, n=4; S-P467L, n=5). * p<0.05 compared to NT. ** p<0.05 compared to S-P467L. All data are mean±SEM