Effects of IL-1ra on ethanol withdrawal-related behaviors exhibited in the social investigation test. Rats were injected with either 4-g/kg ethanol (EtOH; black squares) or saline (white circles). Seventeen and a half hours later, animals were administered either vehicle, 10, or 100 μg of IL-1ra (intracerebroventricularly; ICV) 30 min prior to behavioral testing in the social investigation apparatus. Rats were tested again at a time point equivalent to 42 hr post-ethanol injection. Non-social pokes exhibited by rats given (a) vehicle, (c) 10 μg IL-1ra, or (e) 100 μg IL-1ra; as well as pokes directed at the social hole by (b) vehicle-, (d) 10 μg IL-1ra-, or (f) 100 μg IL-1ra-treated animals were analyzed. Plus signs (+) indicate a significant difference between saline- and ethanol-exposed animals at a given testing time, collapsed across IL-1ra treatment.