The recovery of [14C]et-eEF-1A in
the 40,000g microsomal pellet and supernatant was
compared using cytoskeleton isolation buffer or regular buffer as
described in Methods. A, 40,000g
supernatant and microsomal pellet fractions from two different
homogenizing buffers separated on 10% SDS-PAGE and visualized with
Coomassie brilliant blue staining. Lanes 1and 2, Homogenizing with
regular buffer: lane 1, supernatant; lane 2, microsomes. Lanes 3 and 4,
Homogenizing with cytoskeleton isolation buffer: lane 3, supernatant;
lane 4, microsomes. B, Image of the gel in A using a phosphor imager
tritium screen exposed for 4 d. The experiment was repeated two
times with duplicates. The arrow indicates the migration of the 50-kD