Phase competition in region B (A–C) Gaps in UD40, UD65, and UD92 at 10K, 0.9 Tc, and 12 K above Tc. Synchrotron and laser data shown with open and filled symbols, respectively. Dashed lines are guides to the eye. Doping-independent or dependent gaps indicated by pink or blue shading, respectively. Dashed box marks momenta where gaps are doping-dependent in B and C but doping-independent in A. (D and E) Gap functions at various temperatures below and across Tc for UD55 and UD92 (see SI Appendix for additional dopings). Shaded regions denotes momenta where the gap T>Tc is smaller than the low temperature gap. Filled and open symbols are laser and synchrotron-ARPES data, respectively. (F) Proposed phase diagram. T* is determined from ARPES measurements at antinode (SI Appendix and ref. 53), STS (50), and superconductor-insulator-superconductor tunneling (51, 52).