Figure 10.
Each case is plotted by the number of design positions and log number of conformations. In both (a) and (b), different symbols were used for different protein regions: (1) △ = INT, (2) ○ = CORE, (3) □= CORE++. In (a), cases were marked with different colors depending on their solvability: (1) yellow = solved by limited DEE, (2) green = solved by BroMAP and DEE/A*, (3) blue = solved by BroMAP only, (4) red = solved by none. In (b), the BroMAP running time on each case was used to color the corresponding symbol. The color bar on the right side shows mapping between a color and a running time in seconds.
Figure (a). Solvability
Figure (b). Protein region and BroMAP running time