Figure 1.
Kinetically assembled nanoparticles (NPs) of bioactive macromolecules fabricated via Flash NanoPrecipitation. A) Schematic contrasts differences between thermodynamic micelle assemblies by aqueous dissolution above the critical micelle concentration (top) and kinetic assembled NPs formulated by Flash NanoPrecipitation (bottom). B) Basic components of the Flash NanoPrecipitation process requisite to the formation of colloidal stable NPs. τmix represents the time required for complete and homogenous mixing of the aqueous and solvent stream, while τflash is the precipitation or NP formation time. C) Table listing the chemical structures of amphiphilic macromolecules (AMs) and the hydrophobic core solutes; AM-to-core solute weight ratios investigated; NP acronyms; and hydrodynamic diameters (Dh) and polydispersity indices (PDI). Data are from an n = 3–5 conducted in triplicate with error representing ± S.E.M.