Figure 4.
Beginning implementation of each intervention by countries, by income group, including hypothesized milestones. Panels A-G present the proportion of countries beginning to implement each intervention by year since the year of regulatory approval. Panel A = Hepatitis B vaccine; B = Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine; C = Rotavirus vaccine; D = Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; E = Insecticide-treated mosquito net; F = Rapid diagnostic test; and G = Artemisinin-based combination therapy. For vaccines, countries are stratified according to World Bank income groups: High = Blue dotted line; Upper‐ middle = Red short dashed line; Lower‐ middle = Green long dashed line; Lower = Purple line. Malaria-endemic countries are stratified by low income versus all other endemic countries. LICs = Purple line; Other endemic countries = Red dash and dot line. Year of regulatory approval (year 0) is provided in the bottom left hand corner of each panel. Ar indicates establishment of a group providing coordination (i.e. architecture). II indicates availability of an improved intervention better aligned with the needs of developing countries. Fi indicates year of a global financing commitment, such as through GAVI or GFATM. IR indicates year of initial WHO recommendation. CR indicates year of comprehensive (e.g. global) WHO recommendation