Figure 5.
Discrimination performance conditioned on number of inhalations during odor sampling for odor set A. A, All sessions and trials are pooled. With three sniffs, HS-detecting rats performed above chance (gray horizontal line); LS-detecting rats needed four sniffs. B, Session 1. HS-detecting rats performed above chance with four sniffs, and LS-detecting rats did not rise above chance with any number of sniffs. C, Session 2. HS-detecting rats performed above chance with two sniffs; LS-detecting rats required four sniffs. D, Session 3. HS-detecting rats performed above chance with three sniffs; LS-detecting rats required four sniffs. Group 1 (HS detecting, green), n = 3 rats; Group 2 (LS detecting, red), n = 3 rats. Error bars are the 95% confidence intervals from the maximum likelihood estimator. The distributions of number of inhalations for each group are represented by box plots at the bottom, for the corresponding rat group, where the black vertical line corresponds to the median, the thick horizontal lines delimit the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the start and end of the thin lines mark the extreme data points not considered outliers.