Figure 7.
Dark exposure enhances induction of bidirectional plasticity with random pairing of presynaptic and postsynaptic stimulation. A, Pairing trains of synaptic stimulation with random interstimulus intervals (Poisson: 200 pulses, 0.5 Hz) with random postsynaptic firing (Poisson: 200 pulses, 0.5 Hz) induced homosynaptic LTD in cells from DE mice (filled circles, top graph), but not from NR mice (open circles, bottom graph). Lines in both graphs represent responses in the control, nonstimulated pathway. Lines in both graphs represent responses in the control, nonstimulated pathway. B, The same type of random pairing delivered at a higher frequency (3 Hz) induced homosynaptic LTP in cells from DE mice (filled circles, top graph), but not from NR mice (open circles, bottom graph). C, Changes in the EPSPs (30 min after conditioning) elicited by random pairing delivered at different frequencies in cells from NR mice (open circles) and DE mice (filled circle). The number of experiments included is indicated close to each data point. Asterisks denote p < 0.0 5. Plotted data are average ± SEM.