A, TG mice show decreased rearing (F(1,15)=4.9, p<0.05) but have normal ambulation and total horizontal activity.
B, TG mice exhibit significantly longer latencies to escape in the Barnes maze (F91,15)=5.2, p<0.05).
C, Wildtype mice use spatial cues and spend more time in the target quadrant in the Barnes maze probe test (F(1,8)=16.7, p<0.01), whereas HDAC4 TG mutants do not distinguish the target quadrant from the others.
D, TG mice exhibit longer latencies to escape relative to wildtype in the Barnes maze retention (Ret.) and reversal (Rev.) tests (t(15)=2.4, p <0.05).
E and F, TG mice have normal vision and anxiety-like behavior, as determined by the optomotor test (E) and quantification of time spent in the light compartment of the light/dark transfer box (F).
All studies were performed with 9 and 8 age-matched wildtype and TG males, respectively. Data are plotted as Mean±S.E.M.