Table 1.
Description of Studies Included in the Review
Author | Year | Sample Size | Drug | Mean Age | Gender (%male) | Research Design | Follow-up | Findings | Outcome (sig at p < .05) | Ind/Gr | Intervention Design | Format/Modality | Total Quality |
Audrain- McGovern et al. | 2011 | 355 | Tobacco | 14–18 | 45% | RCT | 3, 6 months | MI led to significantly fewer attempts to quit smoking and no differences in abstinence, but it did lead to significantly fewer cigarettes smoked. | No Effect | Ind | MIF | F2F + Tel | 2 |
Baer, Garrett, Beadnell, Wells, & Peterson | 2007 | 117 | Substance Use | 17.9 | 56% | RCT | 1,3 months | MI did not significantly decrease substance use. MI did significantly increase service utilization. MI did not significantly increase engagement. | No Effect | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Bailey, Baker, Webster, & Lewin | 2004 | 34 | Alcohol | 15.44 | 50% | RCT | 1,2 months | MI significantly increased readiness to change and alcohol knowledge. MI significantly decreased drinking frequency post-treatment and at 1-month follow-up. | Positive | Group | MI + | F2F | 1 |
Battjes, Gordon, O’Grady, Kinlock, kKtz, & Sears | 2004 | 194 | Substance Use | 15.9 | 85% | Quasi Experimental | 6,12 months | Significant reductions marijuana at 6 & 12 months | Positive | Group | MI + | F2F | 2 |
Brown et al. | 2003; 2009 | 191 | Tobacco & Substance Use | 15.4 | 38% | RCT | 1,3,6,9,12 months | MI did not significantly decrease smoking. MI significantly increased self efficacy. MI was significantly more effective than BA for adolescents with little or not intention to quit. | No Effect | Ind | MIF + | F2F + Tel + Parent | 1 |
Colby et al. | 2005 | 85 | Tobacco | 16.3 | 71% | RCT | 1,3,6 months | MI significantly decreased self- reported smoking rate at 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month follow-up, and significantly reduced cotinine markers at 3-month follow-up, and significantly increased smoking abstinence as measured by self-report (but not biochemically) at 6-month follow- up. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 2 |
Colby et al. | 1998 | 40 | Tobacco | 16.15 | 43% | RCT | 3 months | MI did not significantly reduce smoking. | No Effect | Ind | MIF + | F2F | 1 |
D’Amico, Miles, Stern, & Meredith | 2008 | 42 | Substance Use | 16 | 48% | RCT | 3 months | MI significantly reduced (self- reported) marijuana use, preception of prevalence of marijuana use, number of friends using marijuana, and intentions to use marijuana. | Positive | Ind | MIO | F2F + Tel | 1 |
Dennis et al. | 2004 | 300 | Marijuana | 13–18 | 81% | RCT | 3,6,9,12 months | All conditions had signficant pre/post results. MI interventions appeared most cost-effective. | Positive | Ind | MI + | F2F | 2 |
Godley et al. | 2010 | 320 | Marijuana | 13–18 | 76% | RCT | 3, 6, 9, 12 months | MI group showed significantly increased abstinance and was most cost effective, but was not the most effective intervention in the trial. | Positive | Both | MIF + | F2F | 2 |
Goti et al. | 2010 | 103 | Substance Use | 15.2 | 24% | RCT | 1 month | MI did not significantly decrease substance use. MI did significantly increase drug knowledge and perceptions of risks due to drug use. | No Effect | Ind | MIF + | F2F | 2 |
Gray, McCambridge, & Strang | 2005 | 162 | Substance Use | 17.46 | 47% | Quasi Experimental | 3 months | MI participants drinking on average two days per month less than controls after 3 months, a significant difference. | Positive | Ind | MIO | F2F | 1 |
Grenard et al. | 2007 | 18 | Substance Use | 16.1 | 67% | RCT | 3 months | Significant reductions in hard drugs, club drugs, # drinks in past week compared to controls. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 0 |
Hollis et al. | 2005 | 2524 | Tobacco | 15.433 | 41% | RCT | 1,2 years | MI led to significantly greater abstinence after 2 years, particularly for those identifying as “smokers.” | Positive | Ind | MI + | F2F + Tel + Computer | 1 |
Horn, Dino, Hamilton, & Noerachmanto | 2007 | 75 | Tobacco | 17.8 | 43% | RCT | 1,3,6 months | MI did not significantly reduce smoking. | No Effect | Ind | MIF | F2F + Tel | 1 |
Kaminer, Burleson, & Burke; Burleson, Kaminer, & Burke | 2008; 2012 | 144 | Alcohol | 15.9 | 67% | RCT | 3,6,12 month | MI showed trends (p < .10) toward fewer alcoholic beverages per month over 12 months compared to control. No difference between Tel vs. in person. Aftercare participants had reduced risk of relapse and fewer drinking days. No difference between Tel vs In. | No Effect | Ind | MI + | F2F vs Tel | 0 |
Kelly & Lapworth | 2006 | 56 | Tobacco | 15 | 66% | RCT | 1,3,6 | MI significantly decreased smoking at 1 month, but no significant differences at 3 months or 6 months. | Positive | Ind | MIO | F2F | 2 |
Marsden et al. | 2006 | 342 | Ectasy, cocaine, crack- cocaine | 18.4 | 66% | RCT | 6 months | No significant differences compared to controls. | No Effect | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Martin & Copeland | 2008 | 40 | Marijuana | 16.5 | 68% | RCT | 3 months | MI significantly decreased marijuana use and dependence symptoms. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Mason, Pate, Drapkin, & Sozinho | 2011 | 28 | Substance Use | 16 | 0% | RCT | 1 month | MI led to significantly less trouble due to alcohol use, less substance use before sexual intercourse, less offers for marijuana use, increased readiness to start counseling, less social stress, and greater satisfaction with the intervention. | Positive | Ind | MIF + | F2F | 3 |
McCambridge & Strang | 2004; 2005 | 200 | Substance Use | 17.56 | 54% | GRT | 3, 12 months | MI significantly decreased cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use. The effects disappeared by 12 months. | Positive | Ind | MIO | F2F | 1 |
McCambridge, Slym, & Strang | 2008 | 326 | Marijuana | 17.95 | 69% | RCT | 3,6 months | No significant differences between groups. | No Effect | Ind | MIO | F2F | 2 |
McCambridge, et al. | 2011 | 416 | Substance Use | 17.6 | 54% | Cluster RCT | 3,12 months | no statistically significant between-group differences in intention-to-treat analyses for either cigarette smoking or alcohol consumption outcomes. | No Effect | Ind | MIO | F2F | 1 |
Monti et al. | 1999 | 94 | Alcohol | 18.4 | 64% | RCT | 3,6 moths | MI significantly decreased drinking and driving, traffic violations, alcohol-related injuried, and alcohol-related problems. There was no difference in reduction of alcohol consumption--both groups decreased use. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Pbert et al. | 2006 | 1148 | Tobacco | 16.85 | 37% | GRT | 6 wks, 3 months | MI significantly increased smoking abstinence at 6 weeks and 3 months. | Positive | Ind | MIO | F2F | 2 |
Peterson et al. | 2009 | 2151 | Tobacco | approx. 16–17 | 53% | GRT | 7 days, 1,3, 6 months | MI has marginally significant (p < .10) and significant (p < .05) effects on increased prolonged smoking abstinence and duration since last cigarette at 7 days, 1 month, and 3 months. | Positive | Ind | MI + | Tel | 2 |
Peterson, Baer, Wells, Ginzler, & Garrett | 2006 | 285 | Substance Use | 17.4 | 55% | RCT | 1,3 months | MI significantly reduced illicit drug use at 1 month. No differences for alcohol or marijuana. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Spirito et al. | 2004 | 152 | Alcohol | 15.6 | 64% | RCT | 3,6,12 | Significantly reduced alcohol use for those reporting high problem severity at baseline. No effect on related behaviors and problems. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Spirito et al. | 2011 | 125 | Alcohol | 15.45 | 29% | RCT | 3,6,12 | Drinking was significantly lower after MI at 3, 6, and 12 months, although the reductions were less dramatic over time. Family intervention improved outcomes over individual treatment. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Stein et al. | 2011 | 162 | Alcohol and Marijuana | 17.1 | 84% | RCT | 3 months | Led to significantly lower rates of alcohol and marijuana use. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Stein, Colby, Barnett,Monti, Golembeske, & Lebeau-Craven | 2006 | 105 | Alcohol and Marijuana | 17.06 | 90% | RCT | 3 months | MI led to significantly lower rates of drinking and driving, and riding in the car with a drunk driver. Similar trends were found for marijuana, but were nonsignificant. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 1 |
Sussman, Sun, Rohrbach, & Spruijt-Metz | 2011 | 1186 | Substance Use | 16.8 | 57% | GRT | 12 months | School-based curriculum (with or without MI), showed significant reductions in alcohol use, hard drug use, and cigarette smoking. MI did not lead to further reductions. | No Effect | Ind | MI + | F2F + Tel | 2 |
Thush et al. | 2009 | 125 | Alcohol | 17.07 | 41% | RCT | 1 month | No significant difference in drinking behavior. | No Effect | Ind | MIF | F2F | 3 |
Waldron, Slesnick, Brody, Turner & Peterson | 2001 | 114 | Marijuana | 15.61 | 80% | RCT | 4,7 months | MI + showed some efficacy: significant change from heavy to minimal use from pretreatment to 4 month follow-up, although did not persist to 7 month follow-up. | Positive | Ind | MI + | F2F | 3 |
Walker et al. | 2011 | 310 | Marijuana | 16 | 61% | RCT | 3, 12 months | MI led to significant reductions in marijuana use and consequences compared to educational feedback and waitlist controls at 3 mohths. At 12 months, MI still led to greater reductions in marijuana use and consequences compared to waitlist control. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F | 2 |
Walker, Roffman, Stephens, Berghius, and Kim | 2006 | 97 | Marijuana | 15.75 | 48% | RCT | 3 months | No significant difference between groups in reducing marijuana use. | No Effect | Ind | MIF | F2F | 2 |
Walton et al. | 2010 | 726 | Alcohol | 16.8 | 44% | RCT | 3,6 months | MI led to significantly reduced alcohol consequences in both the computer or in person condition. | Positive | Ind | MIF | F2F vs Computer | 2 |
Winters & Leitten | 2007 | 79 | Substance Use | 15.57 | 62% | RCT | 1,6 months | MI led to significant reductions in drinking frequency, binge drinking, illicit drug use, and drug consequences at 6 months (with parent outperformed without parent). | Positive | Ind | MIO | F2F | 2 |
Woodruff, Conway, Edwards, Elliott, & Crittenden | 2007 | 136 | Tobacco | 16 | 54% | GRT | post, 3, 12 months | Immediately post-treatment, MI significantly reduced smoking and increased abstinence, but these results were not maintained over time. | Positive | Group | MI + | F2F + Internet | 1 |
RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial; GRT, Group Randomized Controlled Trial; Ind, Individual; Gr; Group; MIO, MI Only; MI+, MI + another treatment; MIF, MI with Feedack; MIF+ MI with feedback + another treatment; F2F, Face to Face; Tel, Telephone. Total Quality Indicates the reported use of a manual, training & supervision, and coding of recorded sessions, range of scores 0 meaning none present, 3 meaning all present.