Chs6(ΔTPR1-4) and Chs6(ΔTPR5) cannot be efficiently recruited to the Golgi. (A) Chs6(ΔTPR1-4)-9myc and Chs6(ΔTPR5)-9ymc display a reduced membrane association in cell lysates. Ten OD600 of cells were spheroplasted, regenerated, and subsequently lysed in hypotonic buffer. Lysates were cleared of unbroken cells and subjected to differential centrifugation at 4°C. TCL, total cell lysate; P13, 13,000 × g pellet; S100, 100,000 × g supernatant; P100, 100,000 × g pellet; PM, plasma membrane. All constructs were chromosomally expressed under the native CHS6 promoter. (B) TPR mutants show inefficient Golgi localization in vivo. Chs6p‑3GFP and Chs6(ΔTPR1-4)-3GFP were chromosomally expressed under the native CHS6 promoter. Chs6(ΔTPR1-4)-3GFP was almost entirely cytoplasmic and showed no association with Golgi membranes. Chs6(ΔTPR5)-3GFP, expressed at a level similar to wild-type Chs6p using an inducible methionine promoter, was partially Golgi localized (arrowheads). Scale bar, 5 μm. (C) Quantification of results in B. Graph shows a total of three experiments. At least 95 cells were scored per experiment; only budded cells were used for scoring; only GFP dots overlapping with Sec7-dsRed were considered as TGN. Drawn with Origin software (OriginLab, Northampton, MA). Lower whisker represents 5th percentile; box represents 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles; upper whisker represents 95th percentile.