(A) Embryos at stage 16. EGFP fluorescence was primarily evident in midgut and peripheral nervous system. (B) Merged image of BmNPV ie1 promoter-driven EGFP expression and 3xP3-driven DsRed expression in a fruit fly larva. Strong EGFP expression was evident throughout the whole body. (C, D) BmNPV ie1 promoter-driven EGFP expression in a fruit fly pupa. EGFP expression was evident throughout the whole body, and strong punctate expression was evident inside the body. (C) Dorsal view. Intense EGFP fluorescence was evident along the dorsal vessel. (D) Ventral view. In (A) and (B), anterior is to the left. In (C) and (D), anterior is up. Abbreviations: ap, anal plate; CNS, central nervous system; dv, dorsal vessel; hg, hindgut; mg, midgut; PNS, peripheral nervous system.