Figure 3.
Sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree of the AsKNOX protein selected relatives from other plant species. (a) Schematic diagram of the AsKNOX protein structure by Position-Specific Iterated Blast; (b) Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of AsKNOX and KNOXs from A. thaliana (P46639), Pisum sativum (O82805) and Prunus persica (ABO28750). Identical and conserved amino acid residues were labeled in various colors, respectively. The different functional domains were indicated by black lines above the corresponding sequences. Dashes indicated gaps introduced to optimize the alignment. Sequences were aligned using the CLUSTALX program of DNAman; (c) Relationship tree of AsKNOX and its relatives in the class I KNOX group. The tree was obtained using the neighbor-joining method performed with the amino acid sequence alignment of the region comprising the MEINOX, GSE and HD domains. To assess support for the inferred relationships, 1000 bootstrap samples were generated. Sequences were designated by accession numbers and the name of organisms from the GenBank database. One Class II KNOX protein from M. truncatula was used as outgroup.