The effect of different external
[K+] on Sr2+-induced repetitive
[Ca2+]cy spikes and repetitive transient
hyperpolarizations. A, Repetitive [Ca2+]cy
spikes (bottom) and repetitive transient hyperpolarizations (E/mV, top)
were induced by the addition of 1 mm SrCl2 to
the medium. The external [K+] was increased from 0.1
mm KCl (standard medium) to 1 mm, to 10
mm, and finally to 100 mm (bars on top).
Sampling frequency was 1/3 s−1. B, The amplitude of the
transient hyperpolarizations (E/mV) was plotted against the logarithm
of the external [K+]: log
([K+]ex/M). A linear regression analysis
(solid line, r = 0.999) yielded a slope of 53.8 ± 0.4 mV for
each 10-fold increase in [K+]. Data points are given as
means ± se (n = 15) with
se being smaller than the symbol size.