Western blot analysis of CPE and CPB production by Darmbrand isolates CN2076, CN3748, CN3752, CN3753, CN3758, CN3763, and CN3765. Type A isolate F5603 was used as a positive control for CPE production. (A) Detection of the production of CPE using a CPE-specific polyclonal antibody. The bacteria were cultured in MDS medium overnight at 37°C, and culture supernatants were then subjected to CPE Western blotting. The migration of purified CPE (35 kDa) is shown in the right lane of the blot. (B) Detection of CPB production. The bacteria were grown in TGY broth overnight at 37°C, and culture supernatants were then subjected to Western blotting using a CPB-specific monoclonal antibody. The migration of purified CPB (35 kDa) is shown in the right lane of the blot.