[Zn2+]i in MIN6 cultures exposed to Zn2+, H2O2, and Ca2+ channel antagonists (Expt. 6). MIN6 cultures were loaded with 5 μmol/L FluoZin3 for 30 min and the cells were washed (basal) and then exposed as indicated. The effects of a depolarizing Zn2+ exposure on [Zn2+]i were determined, as was the antagonism of nimodipine. The effects of a nondepolarizing Zn2+ exposure on [Zn2+]i was determined, as was the antagonism of mibefradil. The effects of 100 μmol/L H2O2 on [Zn2+]i was determined. These experiments are from at least 3 independent experiments, n = 45–60 cells/condition. *Different from basal levels; #different from a depolarizing Zn2+ exposure; $different from a nondepolarizing Zn2+ exposure, P < 0.05. [Zn2+]i, intracellular zinc concentration.