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. 2009 Jul;4(3):164–168.

Table 1.

QOL scores in patients with thyroid eye disease in visual, psychosocial and education/counseling subscales before and after steroid therapy

Visual Limitations Severely limited (%) Mildly limited (%) Not limited (%) Missing response (%)

Before After Before After Before After Before After
Driving 6 0 8 11.5 16 37.7 50.8* 50.8*
Profession (regular job) 9 0 27.9 18.0 52.5 78.8 4.9 3.3
House chores (cooking, etc) 3 0 27.9 19.7 52.5 75.4 4.2 4.9
Moving around the house 8.2 0 18 23.0 62.3 70.5 0 6.6
Walking outdoors 13.1 0 31.1 26.2 55.7 70.5 0 3.3
Reading 16.4 4.9 41.0 26.2 41.0 67.2 1.0 1.6
Watching television 11.5 3.3 39.3 59.0 49.2 36.1 0 1.6
Hobby or pastime 8.2 3.3 31.1 21.3 57.4 73.8 3.3 1.6
Being hindered from doing something due to thyroid eye disease 27.9 13.1 24.6 21.3 47.5 65.6 0 0

Psychosocial Limitations Very much (%) A little (%) Not at all (%) Missing response (%)

Before After Before After Before After Before After

Change in appearance due to thyroid eye disease? 55.7 23.0 36.1 31.1 8.2 45.9 0 0
Do you feel being stared at in the streets? 39.3 11.5 34.4 34.4 26.2 54.1 0 0
Do you feel that people react unpleasantly because of your thyroid eye disease? 11.5 3.3 32.8 19.7 54.1 75.4 1.6 1.6
Do you feel that your thyroid eye disease has an influence on your self confidence? 18.0 3.3 45.9 29.5 34.4 67.2 1.6 0
Do you feel that your thyroid eye disease has an influence on making friends? 19.7 1.6 31.1 16.4 47.5 82.0 1.6 0
Do you feel socially isolated because of your thyroid eye disease? 11.5 4.9 29.5 11.5 59.0 83.6 0 0
Do you feel that you appear less often in photos than before you had thyroid eye disease? 39.3 11.5 31.1 37.7 27.9 50.8 1.6 0
Do you try to mask changes in your appearance caused by thyroid eye disease? 32.8 18.0 23.0 8.2 27.9 73.8 0 0

Education and counseling Very much (%) A little (%) Not at all (%) Missing response (%)

Before After Before After Before After Before After

Do you feel education and counseling concerning thyroid eye disease was adequate? 24.6 57.4 39.3 21.3 27.9 21.3 8.2 0

No driving license