Expression of cell shape/adhesion genes in the developing endoderm. a: Transverse section through anterior endoderm at NF32 showing expression of igfbp1 restricted to the dorsal and ventral endoderm. b: At NF36 igfbp1 is expressed most highly in the dorsal and ventral endoderm, but diffusely throughout the rest of the endoderm, transverse section. c: NF45 whole gut showing igfbp1 strongly expressed in the liver, and lighter in the duodenum. d:
Hapln3 is expressed in the ventral endoderm in the transverse section at NF32. e: Transverse section at NF36, hapln3 expression is lost in the ventral endoderm, but is punctate through the endoderm. f: NF45 whole gut showing strong expression of hapln3 in the gall bladder, and punctate expression through the pancreas and duodenum g:
Syndecan-4 is only expressed in the most ventral region of the endoderm shown in the transverse section of NF32. h: Transverse section at NF36 is showing expression of syndecan-4 only in the most ventral part of the endoderm, but stronger than at NF32. i: NF44 whole gut shows expression of syndecan-4 in the stomach and liver, and slightly in the pancreas. de, dorsal endoderm; ve, ventral endoderm; l, liver; st, stomach; p, pancreas.