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. 2012 May 4;33(8):1512–1521. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgs163

Table I.

Description of study population

Self-reported race/ethnicity
NHW Hispanic
Controls Cases Controls Cases
N % N % N % N %
Total sample 1586 37.9 1481 41.2 2597 62.1 2111 58.8
Study site 4-Corner’s 1322 83.4 1227 82.9 723 27.8 597 28.3
Mexico NA 994 38.3 816 38.7
San Francisco Bay Area 264 16.7 254 17.2 880 33.9 698 33.1
Age (years) <40 116 7.3 89 6.0 311 12.0 200 9.5
40–49 408 25.7 409 27.6 831 32.0 713 33.8
50–59 409 25.8 413 27.9 756 29.1 617 29.2
60–69 350 22.1 361 24.4 526 20.3 430 20.4
70+ 303 19.1 209 14.1 173 6.7 151 7.2
Mean 56.7 56.0 52.3 52.7
Menopausal statusa Pre/Peri 494 31.5 489 33.5 1027 40.7 836 40.9
Post 1076 68.5 970 66.5 1499 59.3 1210 59.1
Family history of breast 
cancerb (1°) No 1290 84.5 1122 77.5 2326 91.8 1818 87.8
Yes 237 15.5 326 22.5 208 8.2 252 12.2
% Native American 
ancestry 0–28 1578 99.5 1472 99.4 278 10.7 275 13.0
29–70 7 0.4 7 0.5 1686 64.9 1393 66.0
71–100 1 0.1 2 0.1 633 24.4 443 21.0
Educationc <High school 79 5.0 73 4.9 1538 60.2 1098 52.6
H.S. grad/GED 339 21.4 300 20.3 419 16.4 385 18.4
>High school 1168 73.6 1107 74.8 597 23.4 606 29.0
BMId (kg/m2) <25 700 44.4 678 45.9 453 17.6 492 23.5
25–29 465 29.5 433 29.3 951 36.9 768 36.7
30+ 412 26.1 367 24.8 1172 45.5 832 39.8
Age at first birthe (years) Nulliparous 249 15.7 261 17.7 181 7.0 229 11.0
<20 199 12.6 178 12.0 825 31.9 508 24.3
20–24 609 38.5 522 35.3 922 35.7 732 35.0
25–29 342 21.6 333 22.5 451 17.5 359 17.2
30+ 184 11.6 184 12.5 204 7.9 264 12.6
Number of full-term Nulliparous 249 15.7 261 17.6 181 7.0 229 10.9
1–2 638 40.3 646 43.7 790 30.5 786 37.2
Pregnanciesf 3–4 529 33.4 462 31.2 997 38.4 738 35.0
5+ 167 10.6 111 7.5 626 24.1 358 17.0
Alcohol consumptiong 
(gm/day) None 793 50.8 691 46.9 2151 83.5 1707 81.1
<5 381 24.4 382 25.9 244 9.5 210 10.0
5 up to 10 156 10.0 166 11.3 100 3.9 109 5.2
10+ 232 14.9 236 16.0 81 3.1 78 3.7
Vigorous-intensity physical 
activityh (hours/week) 4 Corner’s: None 461 34.9 440 35.9 319 44.1 287 48.1
Meani 2.2 2.1 1.8 2.3
Mexico: None 827 83.2 555 68.1
Meani 8.8 4.5
California: None 142 53.8 131 51.6 682 77.5 523 74.9
Meani 4.8 4.0 4.3 4.3

a174 observations without menopausal status.

b196 observations without family history of breast cancer data.

c66 observations without education data.

d52 observations without BMI measurements.

e39 observations without age at first birth data.

f7 observations without number of full-term pregnancies data.

gBased on long-term alcohol consumption except for a subgroup of California subjects for whom data on alcohol consumption were available only for reference year; 58 observations without alcohol data.

h1 observation without information on physical activity.

iExcludes subjects with no vigorous physical activity a week.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure