Figure 1.
Functionality of flowWorkspace applied to the QA template gating hierarchy of the test data in the QUAliFiER pipeline. Functionality of flowWorkspace applied to the QA template gating hierarchy of the test data in the QUAliFiER pipeline. A) The design of flowWorkspace and its interface with QUAliFiER, FlowJo and BioConductor. B) The gating hierarchy for the first sample in the test workspace imported by flowWorkspace and displayed via plot. The names of the QA gates defined in the FlowJo workspace for the gating template are displayed. This gating template was designed for performing quality assessment of flow data from the ITN (Immune Tolerance Network). MNC is a mononuclear cell gate. WBC_perct is a white blood cell gate. Gates on specific channels with MFI and margin are for detecting the positive populations and boundary events, respectively in each channel. C) Agreement between imported population statistics computed using flowWorkspace and statistics computed from FlowJo, measured via the coefficient of variation between the two values. Slight deviations are due to FlowJo’s discretization of the data transformation function, which must be interpolated by flowWorkspace. Overall the CV is fractions of a percent, indicating successful import. D) Example of the dot plots generated by flowWorkspace to visualize gated populations.