(A) Abridged schema of synapses between Rn5A, 7A, 9A and spicule circuit components. Arrows embedded in bars indicate reciprocal electrical and chemical synapses. Connections relevant to this work are depicted. For the complete wiring, refer to the male wiring project (S.W. Emmons, D.H. Hall, M. Xu, Y. Wang and T. Jerrel, Male Wiring Project, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, http://worms.aecom.yu.edu/pages/male_wiring_project.htm, [50]). Gubernacular erector (GER), gubernacular retractor (GRT), anterior oblique (AOB), posterior oblique (POB), dorsal spicule protractor (DSP), ventral spicule protractor (VSP) and anal depressor (ADP). (B) Video montage depicting changes in G-CaMP fluorescence in Rn7A. (C) The average %ΔF/F0 determined from all tested males used in both samples (top) with (n = 14) or (bottom) without (n = 11) ATR treatment representing Rn7A neuron Ca+2 transients before, during and after PCB, SPC stimulation. The dark and light blue lines represent the average and standard deviation values, respectively. (D) Males that protracted their spicules during simultaneous blue light stimulation of DA neurons and ARE exposure. The genotypes are written below each bar. The number of males tested and the percentage of spicule protracted males are listed at the bottom and top of the bars, respectively.