Figure 4 .
Quantitative analysis of histological inflammation in animals receiving 500 μg NPs. Histological inflammation was quantified in terms of alveolar inflammation (A, B), perivascular oedema (C, D) and perivascular/peribronchial infiltration (E, F) 8 days (A, C, E) or 21 days (B, D, F) after initial elastase administration in animals receiving 500 μg NPs. Data are expressed as the total surface of the histological slide presenting the histological feature. *: p < 0.05 vs S-BSA. §: p < 0.05 vs E-BSA. n = 4. Abbreviations are the same as in Figure1. Box plots show median and interquartile range (25th and 75th percentiles). Panel G: representative histological staining of perivascular/peribronchial infiltrates in rat lung at D21 in animals exposed to 500 μg NPs. Arrows point to perivascular infiltrates. Magnification x20.