A. carterae PCP and LHC loci are
normally hypermethylated at CpG motifs and their methylation status is
modified by light conditions. A, Southern analysis of PCP, LHC, and
rDNA loci in cells grown under different light conditions using the
restriction enzymes HpaII (H) and MspI
(M); C, controls. The sizes indicated to the left of the figure
correspond to positions of DNA size standards. Note that the apparently
repeating pattern seen for the MspI digest of
high-light-grown cells (A, left panel) is consistent with the
hypothesis that several of the PCP loci are tandemly organized
(Sharples et al., 1996). B, Restriction maps of single A.
carterae PCP (based on figure 6A of Sharples et al., 1996; bp
35–1110)- and LHC (based on figure 1B of Hiller et al., 1995, bp
10–600)-coding sequences that were used as probes.