SB-3CT treatment for 7 days attenuates degradation of neuronal laminin, protects neurons from ischemic cell death, and ameliorates neurobehavioral outcomes after embolic MCA occlusion. Mice were ip injected with SB-3CT or vehicle 2 and 4 hours after MCA occlusion, and then once a day from post-ischemia days 1 to 6. a Immunohistochemistry of representative cortical regions for the ECM component laminin (green) and neuronal markers, MAP-2 and NeuN (red), with DNA counterstain Hoechst 33324 (blue). Scale bar, 75 μm. Representative images revealed that there was loss of laminin-positive neurons after embolus-induced cerebral ischemia, while SB-3CT significantly attenuated neuronal laminin degradation and protected neurons from ischemic cell death. b Quantification of neuronal damage based on cresyl violet staining. Cellular damage in each region was scored as 0, normal (no apparent neuronal cell death); 1, fewer than 1/3 cells damaged; 2, more than 1/3 but less than 2/3 damaged; and 3, more than 2/3 of cells dead. Damage was determined 7 days after MCA occlusion. c Repeated-dose administration of SB-3CT improves sensory functions. *, p < 0.05 by one-tailed Student’s t-test for comparisons of the vehicle- vs. SB-3CT-treated groups. Number of animals (n) in each group is indicated in parenthesis, and data are expressed as means ± SEM.