Total C fixation and 14C retention,
export, and partitioning in major intermediates during a 2-h
14CO2 feeding of the source leaf of pea (A, D,
G, and J), cucumber (B, E, H, and K), and maize (C, F, I, and L) under
35 Pa CO2, 21 kPa O2, and 25°C. Cumulative
net C fixation (dashed line in A, B, and C) was calculated from IRGA
data, whereas 14C retention in the leaf was measured both
nondestructively by monitoring 14C with a GM detector
continuously (solid line in A, B, and C) and in a parallel set of
leaves by destructive analysis (•). Export (dotted line in A, B, and
C) was estimated as the difference between total fixation (dashed line)
and 14C retention in the leaf (solid line). D, E, and F
show partitioning of total 14C in the ethanol-soluble
fraction (▴), the total sugar fraction (•), and in starch (▪). G,
H, and I, Partitioning of total 14C. J, K and L, Specific
activity of the major sugars: Suc (○), raffinose (Raf, ▵), and
stachyose (Stac, □). Each point is the average of at least four
leaves on four different plants, and each error bar represents the
se of the mean.