Figure 2.
Increased Fos expression in the hindbrain nTS in symptomatic Mecp2 Null mice. At 6 weeks of age, Null mice exhibit markedly increased levels of Fos expression in subnuclei within the nucleus tractus solitarius (nTS) of the medulla. A, Photomicrographs of representative coronal sections through nTS at 2 different rostrocaudal levels, with a schematic overlay illustrating nTS subnuclei and landmarks. B, Quantitative analysis of genotype-dependent differences in Fos expression across the entire rostrocaudal extent of the lnTS, mnTS, and nComm subnuclei of nTS in increments of 80 μm. Note that except for the most anterior and posterior sections through nComm, Fos expression is significantly elevated throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the Null nTS compared with Wt (p < 0.05). Dotted lines mark the obex. C, Average counts of Fos-positive cells at each level were combined to provide an estimate of the absolute total number of Fos-positive cells throughout the rostrocaudal extent of nTS in Null vs Wt. 10N, Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus; 12N, hypoglossal nucleus; AP, area postrema; lnTS, lateral nTS; mnTS, medial nTS; nComm, commissural nTS; TS, tractus solitarius. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.