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. 2012 Oct 29;3:240. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00240


Selected correlation network databases and tools.

URL and comments
Correlation network DB
ATTEDII (Obayashi et al., 2009); explore condition-independent coexpression networks for up to 100 genes in Arabidopsis using the NetworkDrawer tool. Coexpression analyses may also be performed for rice.
CressExpress (Srinivasasainagendra et al., 2008); generate condition-independent coexpression analyses or custom condition-dependent coexpression analyses for Arabidopsis with up to 30 genes. Results are easily imported into Cytoscape for visualization.
PlaNet (Mutwil et al., 2011); use this tool to explore condition-independent coexpression networks in seven plant species. Networks are displayed as static SVG images, but networks may also be downloaded for easy viewing and further manipulation in Cytoscape or Pajek.
CSB.DB (Steinhauser et al., 2004); use this tool to explore both condition-independent or condition-dependent coexpression networks in Arabidopsis for up to 60 genes. Networks may be immediately viewed as images, or downloaded for further manipulation into the visualization tools below.
GeneMANIA (Mostafavi et al., 2008); this tool allows functional network generation in Arabidopsis based on user-selected or default expression data sets, protein–protein interactions, subcellular localization, shared protein domains, etc. Results are easily visualized via an embedded Cytoscape Web (Lopes et al., 2010) application.
SeedNet (Bassel et al., 2011); explore condition specific (i.e., seed-expressed) gene networks from Arabidopsis in a custom network explorer.
AraNet (Lee et al., 2010); like GeneMANIA this tool allows functional network generation in Arabidopsis. Results may be visualized via activation of Cytoscape Web.
Network visualization tools
Cytoscape (Shannon et al., 2003; Kohl et al., 2011); use this powerful open-source desktop tool to visualize coexpression and other networks, such as those generated by protein–protein interaction studies. Nodes and edges may be appended with additional, user-defined information.
Biolayout (Theocharidis et al., 2009); the current iteration of this desktop tool, Biolayout Express3D, permits visualization of coexpression and other networks in three-dimensional space. Cytoscape “.sif” files may be imported into the tool.
Pajek (Batagelj and Mrvar, 1998)