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. 2012 Jul 27;29(6):633–642. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cms038

Table 2.

Step counts, recorded using pedometer and activPAL

Pedometer activPAL
Intervention Control Intervention Control
Number of participants providing data, number of outliers removed and mean (SD) daily average step counts
Baseline N Participants 20 21 19b 18b
N Outliersa 8 11 0 0
Mean (SD) 6743 (2282) 5671 (1900) 7469 (2312) 7351 (2360)
Week 12 N Participants 20 19 20 19
N Outliers 3 14 0 2
Mean (SD) 7347 (1766) 5935 (2226) 9351 (2017) 7138 (2169)
Week 24 N Participants 20 17 19b 17
N Outliers 11 5 0 0
Mean (SD) 7543 (2804) 7683 (2824) 9161 (2631) 9100 (3175)
Within-group changesc
W12– BL Estimate 604 266 1907 –213
(95% CI) (–320, 1528) (–672, 1205) (1070, 2743) (–1104, 679)
P-value P = 0.20 P = 0.57 P < 0.001 P = 0.64
W24 – W12 Estimate 196 1672 –206 1908
(95% CI) (–867, 1260) 538, 2806) (–1100, 688) (972, 2844)
P-value P = 0.71 P = 0.004 P = 0.65 P < 0.001
Between-group difference (Intervention – Control)c
W12 – BL Estimate 338 2119
(95% CI) (–979, 1654) (897, 3342)
P-value P = 0.61 P = 0.001
W24 – W12 Estimate –1476 –2114
(95% CI) (-3030, 79) (–3408, –820)
P-value P = 0.062 P = 0.002

a Any daily step count <1000 steps was assumed to be due to a device malfunction or failure to wear the device for the whole day. Such values were excluded from the calculation of daily average step counts.

bData processing errors resulted in loss of activPAL data for four participants (one intervention, three controls) at baseline and for one participant (intervention) at week 24.

c Models not adjusted for baseline covariates.

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