Figure 1.
Asymmetric localization of core PCP molecules using the fly wing as an example. (a) Top view of wing cells. At early pupal stages (left), the core PCP molecules are evenly distributed as a ring at and/or just apical to the adherens junctions (not illustrated). At later pupal stages (right), a Fz–Dsh–Dgo–Fmi complex is concentrated at distal edges of cells and the Vang–Pk–Fmi complex is concentrated at proximal edges of cells. (b) Schematic presentation of the Fz–Fmi-group PCP factors and their interactions. Fz is shown in orange with its interacting partners Dsh (yellow, with its specific domains DIX, PDZ and DEP [from left to right] in light red) and Dgo (red with its Ankyrin repeat domains in light blue). Fmi is shown in green. Vang is shown in light blue and its interacting partner Pk in dark blue (the PET and 3 LIM domains are indicated by lighter shades of blue). Fz can bind to Vang primarily via its CRD and Fmi displays homophilic interactions. Dsh and Dgo physically interact and can antagonize Pk (red lines on left); Pk antagonizes Dsh (red lines on right). The downstream effectors of non-autonomous signaling are unknown (black arrows with question marks).