Figure 1. Inducible suppression of GRM1.
(A.) Suppression of GRM1 protein expression in the ecdysone regulated system in C8161 human melanoma cells in the presence of the inducer, 10 μM Ponasterone A (PonA) in two independent clones. No suppression is observed in control C8161 pVgRXR cells in the presence of PonA. Samples were normalized to α-Tubulin. NT- No treatment, Veh - (Vehicle) DMSO. (B.) Quantitation of C8161 pVgRXR siGRM1 clones A10 and A13 western blots from A. using Optiquant software to determine % change in intensity. (C.) Suppression of GRM1 expression using the tetracycline/doxycycline regulated system in two independent clones from 1205 Lu and UACC903 human melanoma cell lines in the presence of 10 ng/ml doxycycline. No suppression is observed in control 1205 Lu TetR and UACC903 TetR in the presence of doxycycline. Equal loading was shown by levels of α-Tubulin. NT-No treatment, Dox- Doxycycline. (D.) Quantitation of western blots of 1205 Lu TetR siGRM1 and UACC903 TetR siGRM1 clones from panel C using Optiquant software to determine % change in intensity.