Figure 7.
Interactions in the active site regions of the HAP zymogen and HAP-pepstatin A complex. (A) The region corresponding to the immature active site of HAP in the zymogen. Residues Leu6-Phe15 that belong to the N-terminal segment of mature HAP are shown with carbon atoms gray. (B) Active site of HAP in its complex with pepstatin A (PDB ID: 3FNT). The carbon atoms of Leu9-Ala18 are colored gray. The central hydroxyl oxygen of the statine residue in pepstatin A is shown as a sphere. (C) Schematic diagram showing the main chains of the zymogen (green) and of the mature enzyme (magenta) in its complex with pepstatin and the active site residues, emphasizing the rearrangement that resulted in the increase of the distance between the latter (marked in black dashed lines).